| | |
| | Alternate text for screen readers If not defined, title prop is used
| AccessibilityTrait | AccessibilityTrait[]
| Traits used to hint screen readers, etc.
| | Region for accessibility mechanisms
| | It is hard or impossible to tell by a reference to an instance of a component from where this component has been instantiated You can assign this property and check instance.props.accessibilityId For example accessibilityId is used in View's FocusArbitrator callback
| | Opacity value the button should animate to, on touch on views that have onPress handlers
| | Animation of children: Every child must have a key String refs aren't supported on children, only callback refs are
| | Animation of children Every child must have a key String refs aren't supported on children, only callback refs are
| | Animation of children Every child must have a key String refs aren't supported on children, only callback refs are
| | Id of an element that describes the view for screen-reader
| | A custom role description to be read by the screen-readers
| | Block touches for this component and all of its children
disableTouchOpacityAnimation | | Disable default opacity animation on touch on views that have onPress handlers
| | Specifies a unique id for an HTML element NOTE: This property may be going away in future versions
| | Ignore clicks and other mouse events, allowing children or components behind to receive them
importantForAccessibility? | ImportantForAccessibility
| Expose the element and/or its children as accessible to screen-readers
| | When the keyboard navigation is happening, restrict the focusable elements within this view Useful for popups and modals, you might want to prevent the focus from going outside of the popup or modal The views with restrictFocusWithin are stacked and the last mounted view is a winner This means if you, for example, have restricted the focus within some modal, and you have a popup (which also desires for a restricted focus) inside this modal, the popup will get the restriction, but when dismissed, the restriction will be restored for the modal See also the companion method setFocusRestricted() below WARNING: For the sake of performance, this property is readonly and changing it during the View life cycle will produce an error
| | When the keyboard navigation is happening, do not focus on this view and on all focusable elements inside this view See also the companion method setFocusLimited() below Useful for the list items, allows to skip the consecutive focusing on one list item (and item's internal focusable elements) after another using the Tab key and implement the switching between the items using the arrow keys (or using some other behaviour) When limitFocusWithin=LimitFocusType.Limited, the View and the focusable components inside the View get both tabIndex=-1 and aria-hidden=true When limitFocusWithin=LimitFocusType.Accessible, the View and the focusable components inside the View get only tabIndex=-1. WARNING: For the sake of performance, this property is readonly and changing it during the View life cycle will produce an error
| | Should be focused when the component is mounted, see also arbitrateFocus property below WARNING: autoFocus=true means that this View's requestFocus() method will be called, however calling requestFocus() might have no effect (for example on web View is focusable only when tabIndex is specified), the application has to handle this either while setting this property or in the View's FocusArbitrator callback
| | When multiple components with autoFocus=true inside this View are mounting at the same time, and/or multiple components inside this view have received focus() call during the same render cycle, this callback will be called so that it's possible for the application to decide which one should actually be focused
| | Additional invisible DOM elements will be added inside the view to track the size changes that are performed behind our back by the browser's layout engine faster (ViewBase checks for the layout updates once a second and sometimes it's not fast enough)
| | For drag specific events, if onDragStart is present, the view is draggable onDragStart/onDrag/onDragEnd are source specific events onDragEnter/onDragOver/onDragLeave/onDrop are destination specific events
| | For drag specific events, if onDragStart is present, the view is draggable onDragStart/onDrag/onDragEnd are source specific events onDragEnter/onDragOver/onDragLeave/onDrop are destination specific events
| |
For drag specific events, if onDragStart is present, the view is draggable onDragStart/onDrag/onDragEnd are source specific events onDragEnter/onDragOver/onDragLeave/onDrop are destination specific events
| |
For drag specific events, if onDragStart is present, the view is draggable onDragStart/onDrag/onDragEnd are source specific events onDragEnter/onDragOver/onDragLeave/onDrop are destination specific events
| |
For drag specific events, if onDragStart is present, the view is draggable onDragStart/onDrag/onDragEnd are source specific events onDragEnter/onDragOver/onDragLeave/onDrop are destination specific events
| |
For drag specific events, if onDragStart is present, the view is draggable onDragStart/onDrag/onDragEnd are source specific events onDragEnter/onDragOver/onDragLeave/onDrop are destination specific events
| |
For drag specific events, if onDragStart is present, the view is draggable onDragStart/onDrag/onDragEnd are source specific events onDragEnter/onDragOver/onDragLeave/onDrop are destination specific events
| |
For drag specific events, if onDragStart is present, the view is draggable onDragStart/onDrag/onDragEnd are source specific events onDragEnter/onDragOver/onDragLeave/onDrop are destination specific events
| |
For drag specific events, if onDragStart is present, the view is draggable onDragStart/onDrag/onDragEnd are source specific events onDragEnter/onDragOver/onDragLeave/onDrop are destination specific events
| |
For drag specific events, if onDragStart is present, the view is draggable onDragStart/onDrag/onDragEnd are source specific events onDragEnter/onDragOver/onDragLeave/onDrop are destination specific events
| |
For drag specific events, if onDragStart is present, the view is draggable onDragStart/onDrag/onDragEnd are source specific events onDragEnter/onDragOver/onDragLeave/onDrop are destination specific events
| (e: React.SyntheticEvent) => void
| |
| (e: SyntheticEvent) => void
| |
| | |
| | |
| (e: KeyboardEvent) => void
| |
| (e: React.SyntheticEvent) => void
| |
| (e: React.SyntheticEvent) => void
| |
| (e: SyntheticEvent) => void
| |
| (e: React.SyntheticEvent) => boolean
| |
onMoveShouldSetResponderCapture | (e: React.SyntheticEvent) => boolean
| |
| (e: React.SyntheticEvent) => void
| |
| (e: React.SyntheticEvent) => void
| |
| (e: React.SyntheticEvent) => void
| |
| (e: React.TouchEvent) => void
| |
| (e: React.TouchEvent) => void
| |
| (e: React.TouchEvent) => void
| |
| (e: React.SyntheticEvent) => void
| |
onResponderTerminationRequest | (e: React.SyntheticEvent) => boolean
| |
onStartShouldSetResponder | (e: React.SyntheticEvent) => boolean
| |
onStartShouldSetResponderCapture | (e: React.SyntheticEvent) => boolean
| |
| (e: ViewOnLayoutEvent) => void
| |
| | Rasterize contents using offscreen bitmap (perf optimization)
| | |
| | ID that can be used to identify the instantiated element for testing purposes
| | |
| ViewStyleRuleSet | ViewStyleRuleSet[]
| See below for supported styles
| 'none' | 'software' | 'hardware'
| Should use hardware or software rendering?
| | Background color that will be visible on touch on views that have onPress handlers
| | When true: Renders children within the safe area boundaries of a device, i.e. with padding with ensure the children don't cover navigation bars, toolbars etc. Applies a style of { flex: 1, alignSelf: 'stretch' } to this view Some ViewProps may be ignored. iOS only